Dreams really do come true.

Our wildest dreams came true for us dancers. We have skyrocketed past our target on our indigogo campaign raising more money than we ever hoped for. From as little as $5 to $500 sponsorship’s, the response towards our campaign was astounding.

Not only did our online campaign reach big. Our own internal fundraising of organic apples and tote bags amongst out peers became a hit too. Who ever thought apples would be so popular?!

Our friends and family are still asking some of us if we’ll sell them again. Such amazing responses have made our hearts throb.

The Lehenda Company would like to thank absolutely everyone for their incredible support as we have grown and worked so hard over the last few months. To all our family, friends, the Ukrainian community and many other generous people and helping hands and huge thank you from all of us!

Kisses and Hugs from all of us as we get back to work getting fit and ready for D day [Hopak in the Park]

Apples being packed and weighed for delivery!


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A New Beginning

A newly created Ukrainian Dance organisation with a dream to share the prized traditions, legends and stories of the rich culture of Ukraine. Our Artistic Director Melanie Moravski Dechnicz has a vision of spreading the vibrant Ukrainian... Continue →