A New Beginning


A newly created Ukrainian Dance organisation with a dream to share the prized traditions, legends and stories of the rich culture of Ukraine. Our Artistic Director Melanie Moravski Dechnicz has a vision of spreading the vibrant Ukrainian culture around the world.

Based in Melbourne, Victoria, Lehenda Ukrainian Dance Company tells the historical tales of mystery and power in spirit of the renowned Ukrainian choreographers and artists before us. The company of 40 performers embody the passion and soul of Ukrainian culture. “Contagious energy, spectacle, colour and spirit that is, Ukrainian Dance!” is how our director describes us dancers, filled with strength, beauty and grace.

Such stamina and finesse doesn’t come easy though. To be magnificent and capture our audiences hearts, discipline and understanding our strengths and weaknesses is vital if we want our message shared. This space is for us dancers to share our progress and stories. The past experiences we’ve had as performers, our creative journeys and goals and accomplishments at Lehenda.

Like a family, we help each other achieve our dreams and be outstanding in our own being and as a whole. Not one, but all 40 dancers together make Lehenda company the phenomenon it is. The jitters in your legs, the goosebumps on your arms, the beat of your heart racing to the music; the energy of the Lehenda dancers.

-The following photos have been taken by Alex Dechnicz [photo 1] Dina Studio Photography [photo 2]-


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Hopak…in the DARK

With so many dancers new to Ukrainian dancing at Lehenda, so too are they new to the dancers who have come together from other groups. In order to perform together on stage you need to have a connection amongst each other. Friendship and... Continue →